- The below is a description of elements included in the tool.
- The full Excel-based, modifiable tool can be found at: www.gtfcc.org
- This tool is designed to help teams estimate basic supply needs at a district level.
For each district, teams input the following elements:
- Population
- Cases and deaths reported to date
- Estimated final cumulative incidence rate
The tool provides the following outputs per district and overall:
- Estimated cases to the end of the outbreak (excluding those already reported)
- Estimated needs
- Sachets of ORS
- Litres of Ringer’s Lactate
- 100 mg tablets of doxycycline
- 10 mg tablets of zinc
- Number of beds during peak
For those ordering via UN procurement, a tool to help guide ordering of the WHO cholera kits is available here: https://www.who.int/cholera/kit/en/